I am a life-long resident of the Emerald Coast. I grew up in Bluewater Bay and later Fort Walton Beach having graduated from Choctawhatchee Senior High School. I originally intended on pursuing a career in medicine, but having helped multiple private practices transition to electronic medical records and seeing the plans that eventually became Obamacare I was forced to change careers so I went into software engineering where I received my degree from Auburn.
My father grew up on an apple orchard in northern Indiana before attending the United States Air Force Academy then Indiana University medical school to become an orthopaedic surgeon. He met my mother at Keesler Air Force Base and fell in love with not only her, but also her home along the Emerald Coast so decided to to set up a thriving multi-specialist private medical practice after being stationed at Eglin Air Force Base. He taught me business, how to network, how to help your community, and is the only man alive I have ever compared myself to. He was offered the opportunity to be an NASA astronaut, but turned it down to be with his wife and newborn son. He later turned down becoming a general multiple times so he could spend time with his family and attend their sports games and take family trips.
My mother was born on Eglin Air Force Base and used the GI Bill to put herself through nursing school at Southern Mississippi to get her BSN. She taught me how to be superhuman while expressing empathy handling three kids who were all "too smart for our own good". Through my mother's Hightower family, we have been sprawled throughout the panhandle and neighbouring areas for at least 300 years. At what point do we stop calling the area Florida? This is our home.
Professional Experience
I'm nobody, or at least I like to pretend I'm forgettable, but in reality I am what I am.
I am not a politician by trade nor do I want a career in politics. I technically became a politician at 0840 06 Dec 2024 when I qualified to run for congress. I am a software engineer with about 25 years of experience in cyber security trying to protect his home, his family, his friends, and his country. I am an expert in scaling large software systems, international standards, cyber security, artificial intelligence, crypto currencies, and psyops. Those with a military background likely understand psyops, but in the civilian world it's often referred to as social engineering and hacking. I hack every application and system I architect and/or build to ensure security. I have worked in the travel industry, health industry, finance industry, and even a plethora of e-commerce and social media platforms.
Have you flown anywhere or stayed at a hotel in the past 20 years? You've been able to do so using software I personally wrote. Have you had to have highly expensive medications filled like cancer drugs? It's likely I've written something to make that process simpler. Do you have payroll systems helping you collect your paychecks? Again, there's a good chance I've improved your life there too. There's even a little touch from my hands in every one of your phones, tablets, and computers nowadays.
Have you been alive in the last 7 years? I've significantly impacted your life without you knowing. For a couple years, I was handed the keys to the FDA to update, optimize, and secure their entire database of information. My job was to work with a team to build multiple applications to manage their content, then I exclusively worked on auditing and synchronizing all data across the numerous installations. Trillions of pieces of content and media spread across scores of systems. I had to make full audits work within mere seconds then have publishing/updating/unpublishing happen within just minutes thereafter. The information handled was valued at many trillions of dollars so I worked with many teams to secure everything from China, Russia, and Wall Street.