Hello, World!




National Security

This nation should use the full force of its military if the need arises. However, the modern battlefield is not always bullets and bombs. Attacks can come in many forms, cyber attacks that try and take down infrastructure, to the poisoning of our children through the illegal drug trade, and a strong border is paramount to national security.


Individual Liberty

Small Government is a key to upholding the individual liberties found within the US Constitution. It is imperative to uphold the rights that have have been fought for and secured by previous generations. While fighting to protect natural rights against those who seek to restrict or deny those liberties.


Economic Freedom

The backbone of the American economy relies on individual ingenuity, hard-working individuals, small business, and entrepreneurs. It is imperative to remove the red tape for economic growth. Economic Freedom relies on a government that is not wasting the taxpayer's money on unnecessary expenditures, and relies on securing a sound financial foundation for the next generation.


Principles to live by:

  • Treat one's neighbor as oneself (Follow the golden rule)
    • “Be there for others, carry their burden when they can't”
  • Root out any and all forms of corruption; hold oneself to the highest forms of integrity.



Policy positions can change as need arises, principles never change.



Policy Positions


Revamp Social Security for future generations, while upholding promises to generations who earned their social security.

According to the Social Security Administration, Social Security will run out in 2035. it is imperative to take the necessary steps to protect social security for the current generations who have rightly earned those benefits. It is also imperative to make the necessary changes to preserve Social Security for future generations.



Protect our CHILDREN

Children should remain children. Children should be allowed to let their imaginations develop unhindered. Children should have be able to attend excellent schools, not have unnecessary life altering medical decisions, and be able to fully develop their potential.



Make energy Independence happen

Drill baby drill.....but not off of the Emerald Coast of Florida our beaches are far to valuable....there is also nuclear power which is far better for the environment and very safe.



Limit the scope of a presidential pardon (Constitutional Amendment)

Not taking away the pardon from the President, only tying a pardon to a specific crime that was committed.



Secure National Boarders

With record numbers of illegal immigrants coming across the nations boarders, it is with resolve that these boarders must be secure. The people of this nation deserve to know who is entering into the country. Doing so would also reduce the number of illicit drugs causing harm to the people of the United States.  



Equip the nation to be prepared for cyber attacks

According to a 2024 University of Maryland study, there are approximately 2,200 cyber attacks in the US every day, which translates to a cyber attack happening roughly every 39 seconds on average. A responsible nation will have the motive and means to defend itself and if necessary go on the attack. Also work with local Universities to develop cyber institutes.



Repeal NFA and GCA 

The National Firearms Act and Gun Control Act are both unconstitutional. Both violate the Second Amendment. The people are the militia and defenders of individual freedom. Also, what part of  “Shall not be infringed” is hard to understand.



Repeal the Patriot Act

The repeal of the Patriot Act is necessary, it is a gross violation of  the 4th Amendment.



Work toward a Federal balanced budge